

Haritamritam Workshop at SPM School

The Haritamritam workshop was conducted in SPM School on 19th November, 2016. The feedback from the children was overwhelming. The Principal of the school requested for similar sessions in future for the remaining batches.

AYUDH Celebrates Diwali at Paripally

“As the world desperately needs Men who care more about others than themselves; few of our students are certainly going to be a promising future”. On October 23, 2016, more than 160 students of Amritapuri campus joined the AYUDH team in spending half a day of a warm Sunday with the poor and orphaned kids of Paripally Orphanage, Kollam. After the inaugural address by Dr. S. N. Jyothi, the Principal of Amrita School of Engineering, the children greeted the visiting team through gracious folk dances and a variety of other mind catching performances.
