Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Ayudh Chennai Observes International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women
Across the world and in different contexts, #women and #girls universally experience rape, sexual violence, and abuse. From university campuses to armed conflicts, their voices and stories have reached a crescendo that can no longer be ignored or silenced. It’s time to take a stand to dismantle rape culture.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus had already taken the lead when owing to #Amma's guidance it was bestowed India’s first-ever UNESCO chair on gender equality and women’s empowerment in 2016 declared open by the then Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Sri Prakash Javadekar.
#AYUDHChennai observed United Nations International day for elimination of violence against women (25 November) by organizing an event to create awareness and provide practical solutions to problems faced by women who may be a victim or a witness of violence.
Dr. (Mrs.) I. Jayanthi, Secretary, DLSA, Chennai High Court was the Chief Guest. She shared her experiences and also provided legal remedies. Mrs Maffi Devadoss, Advocate Supreme Court was also present. Mr Sree Ram, Founder – KravMaga TamilNadu, delivered a session on Self Defense for women, based on KravMaga combat system devised originally for the Israeli military. Mr Navaneeth Krishnan, Founder - Mirrorz Theatre Company spoke about how theatre perceives violence against women. The AYUDHians also performed a special Mime act directed by Mr Navaneeth to showcase the practical issues of violence faced by women in society.
The event was held at Amrita Vidyalayam K K Nagar, Chennai on Sunday 24th, November 2019. The students enthusiastically participated in the interactive sessions.The invitees, management, teachers and parents praised AYUDH Chennai for having inspired positive thought, dialogue and action on this issue of huge relevance in the current times.
The event was covered by Win TV, a prominent local television network.
Congratulations!!! AYUDHChennai and our gratitude to all the distinguished guests.
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