Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH Organizes 15 Day Online Yoga program
Enthusiastic AYUDH students from Himachal, Punjab and Chandigarh keeping the spark of Yoga alive in these difficult Corona times and lockdown.
Many of them joined Ayudh India's 15 Day Online Yoga program held from June 7-20, 2021, designed specifically for the Youths to cope up with the current stress.
Priya from Ludhiana, Punjab says "I have been practicing yoga from 4-5 months regularly , yoga has really helped me to support my immune system when I was COVID positive."
Prateek from Chandigarh says "My first real time experience with Yoga was when I attended Amrita's IAM Meditation Session. At that time I thought Yoga was out of my reach as physically it was tough for me, but realized it was very scientific. This inspired me to enroll for this course in Yoga and Meditation and now I am able to do the asanas that seemed to be impossible earlier (like chakrasana ). Today I can say Yoga has brought inside me a feeling of calmness and a belief that we have to try before saying " I cannot".
Now I understand that Yoga is much beyond some physical exercises. It is an inward journey. May God bless all."
Sachin from Himachal says - पहले मैं अत्यधिक क्रोध करता था लेकिन जब से मैंने योग अपनाया मेरा क्रोध और मानसिक तनाव शून्य हो गया। स्वास प्रक्रिया बेहतर हो गई और प्रातः काल उठने की आदत पड़ गई।
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