Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH Regional Training Camp, Pune - 2019
AYUDH Regional Training Camp was conducted at Mata Amritanandamayi Math. More than 200 youth from the Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Goa, Chattisgargh & Tamil Nadu gathered in the AYUDH Regional Training Camp to shape their goals for the future of a peaceful world.
The Regional Training Camp was inaugurated by Swami VidyamritanandaPuri (Mata Amritanandamayi Math in charge, Pune and one of the senior most disciples of Amma). Swami enlightened the audience with his speech on the topic “Indian Culture”.
The camp was blessed by Swami AmritaswarupanandaPuri,Amma’sseniormost disciple, Vice Chairman of Mata Amritanandamayi Math and the President of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. In his speech Swamijiexplained, “In cultures throughout the world, there is a tradition of giving back. Everything has its price, nothing is free. The participants will reap the benefit of this camp in the future but the price they had to pay was discipline and hard work that this camp inculcated in them.”
The Camp witnessed inspiring talkson Sanatana Dharma by distinguished personalities, team building and life skills workshops, personality development programs, yoga and meditation sessions, Cultural tour and Adventure games.
Dr. Muruganant, Vice chancellor of Indus University, Ahmedabad & material scientist spoke on Science of spirituality,Dr. P. Ram Manohar, Research Director of Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda at Amrita School of Ayurveda gave insights to Healthy Life style. RagavanManian (disciple of the renowned Carnatic musician, composer and multi-faceted genius, "Padma Vibhushan" Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna), conducted a music workshop.
PundlikSitaramWagh, Founder of Vayuva Group of Companies guided the participants for the cultural tour to SantDnyaneshwar Samadhi, Alandi Pune.Prasad Deole& Team Z BAC Adventures conducted Outdoor Game on the theme Fearlessness based on Bhagavad Gita.
Ms. Lakshmi Menon, the CEO of the New Indian Express Group, was the keynote speaker in the valedictory function. She gave the valedictory speech, shared her experience on how AMMA helped her to face challenges. She distributed the certificates and prizes.
All participants gave excellent feedback about the camp. Some of the take-away from the camp which the participants mentioned are never underestimate oneself, always be happy, will try to learn spirituality more,learnt importance of team work,patience and to be in equilibrium at all times.
The participants said that they will do regular meditation and yoga every day.They learnt how to be happy, positive and how to be grateful, surrender ego and start accepting their mistakes. They said that they learnt the most important thing in this world is giving. Only by giving we can be happy, Amma is the constant source of inspiration. They also expressed their interest to learn more about our Dharma.
AYUDH (Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara) is the international Youth wing of Mata Amritanandamayi Math. AYUDH chapters are active in more than 40 countries.
AYUDH India is organizing the Regional Training camps at various states across India. The selected candidates from these camps will participate in the AYUDH National Summit at Amritapuri, Kerala next year.
#Day 0
More than 200 youth from the Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Goa, Chhattisgarh & Tamil Nadu gathered in the AYUDH Regional Training Camp at Pune to learn for life and shape their goals for the future of a peaceful world.
#DAY0 of the camp started with an orientation program. The ice breakers introduced people to one another in a fun and informal way. It helped them to get to know each other far more quickly. The participants were excited to know each other and mingle with their teammates from other states.
The coordinators communicated the camp guidelines to the participants.
With much enthusiasm, the campers started their discussion and preparation for the Camp TV which will be showcased on the second day of the camp. Eagerly waiting for CAMP DAY1!!
#Day 1
AYUDH Regional Training Camp 2019 #DAY1 at Pune kicked off to an excellent start with a refreshing session of Amrita Yoga Surya Namaskar led by Bri. Jisha, one of the National Coordinators of AYUDH India. Participants with very little prior experience also said that it was very easy to follow the instructions and that although the sequence was short, it felt complete and when they finished the sequence, the whole body felt awakened and ready to take on a day full of activities.
Swami Vidyamritananda Puri, head of Mata Amritanandamayi Math, Pune inaugurated the camp by hoisting the AYUDH flag. After the lamp lighting ceremony, Swami delivered the benedictory address where he talked about #Dharma, the greatest and most valuable contribution of #Bharat to humanity. He threw light on the importance of understanding one's dharma to lead a fruitful life. This was followed by an inspiring talk on the topic, 'Uplift the self by the Self' by Bri. Jisha. The talk inspired the campers to strive to attain the beautiful state of being happy always. This was followed by a #music workshop by Shri. Ragavan Manian, renowned musician and disciple of the legendary musician, Dr. Balamurali Krishna. In the interactive session Mr. Ragavan explained the role of bhava, raga and tala and its right balance to make music an expression and a celebration of the divine.
Exciting outdoor team building games followed, led by trainers from ZbackAdventures. “Fearlessness, unity, team work, confidence, cooperation & trust to each other are required for the true success”, said the participants after the games.
The campers visited and explored the Brahmasthanam temple to know about the significance of the temple, its uniqueness and the prathishtas. A lively bhajan session saw the campers singing and clapping together to the beats of famous bhajans. They experienced that bhajans help reduce stress, relax their mind and improve their positive energy.
Eagerly waiting to have more learning on DAY2!!
#Day 2
#DAY2 of the AYUDH Regional Training Camp started with a training in the Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique (IAM). The campers were thankful for the opportunity to learn this simple & unique meditation technique gifted by Amma. They felt that IAM would help them be stress free and was essential for living a peaceful life. They also felt that being consistent in IAM practice could help them achieve their goals in life.
The IAM session was followed by an interactive session by Prof. Muruganant, vice-chancellor of Indus University, Ahmedabad. Prof Muruganant, himself a material scientist, explained the significance and scientific aspects behind many rituals, symbolism and festivals of Sanatana Dharma. The campers had many questions for him and said that the talk inspired them to know more about Sanatana Dharma.
Next came an interesting workshop on Ganesha idol-making. This session witnessed the brilliant creativity of the campers. The session inspired them to campaign for the use of eco-friendly Ganesha idols during Ganesha festival. They also said that they discovered hidden art in themselves and learnt a lot of patience during the workshop.
Mr Pundlik Sitaram Wagh, founder & managing director of VAYUVA Technology Solutions, an educationalist & motivational speaker guided the campers on a cultural tour to Sant Gnyaneshwar Samadhi at Alandi. This was an opportunity for the campers to know about Mahatmas and the significance and scientific proof of Samadhis.
Later in the evening, campers showcased their talents based on the theme ‘Peace and Harmony’. Here campers learnt time management, coordination and the true meaning of TEAM - T-together E- everyone A- achieves M- more.
The second day of the camp ended with a camp fire.
Campers are excited to know about the Day 3 events and eagerly waiting!!
#Day 3
#DAY3 of the AYUDH Regional Training Camp started with an interesting talk by Br Amit, one of the National Coordinators of AYUDH India who presented the various facets of Amma which makes her a world leader. Campers said that only Amma had all the virtues to lead the world to real happiness, peace and harmony.
This was followed by a session by Dr. P. Ram Manohar, Research Director of Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda at Amrita School of Ayurveda. Campers learnt the wisdom in the Indian way of life advocated by the ancient seers and sages that assures good health and happiness.
The camp was blessed with the presence of Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, Amma’s senior most disciple, Vice Chairman of Mata Amritanandamayi Math and the President of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. Swamiji addressed the youth saying that “In cultures throughout the world, there is a tradition of giving back. Everything has its price, nothing is free. The campers will reap the benefit of this camp in the future but the price they had to pay was discipline and hard work that this camp inculcated in them.”
“Dharma is the biggest karma,” “We should respect parents, should have love for the entire world” “We should live in the present,“ were some quotes from campers after Swamiji’s talk.
Campers said that Swamiji taught them the truth of life and that they learnt the most important thing in their life.
Swamiji then enchanted the campers with a soulful bhajan session and distributed Prasad. The campers said that it was an awesome, rejuvenating experience and that they felt very relaxed and cheerful after the bhajans. They also felt that Swamiji‘s voice helped them connect to their inner being, refined their soul and kept them connected to the Divine.
Through the ‘Healthy food workshop’ campers learnt that food was a major factor to keep their minds happy and healthy. They also learnt to prepare a healthy salad.
Mrs Lakshmi Menon, the CEO of The New Indian Express Group, was the chief guest for the valedictory function. Through her moving speech Lakshmi ji shared her experience about how AMMA helped her face challenges throughout her career. She also distributed certificates and prizes to the campers & winners of the various contests.
The camp concluded with National Anthem and peace prayers. Most of the campers expressed their ardent wish to meet Amma at the earliest possible!!
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