AYUDH Durgapur Chapter Observes World Water Day

AYUDH Durgapur Chapter Volunteers Observed World Water Day.
AYUDH Durgapur Chapter Volunteers Observed World Water Day.
As a token of solidarity for the PM's Swachchta hi Seva campaign, M. A. Math, Mumbai organized a cleanliness drive on Sunday, 16th September, 2018 to clean the areas around Brahmagiri, Nerul.
On 11th November 2018, Ayudhians successfully participated in organic farming with the goal of promoting natural ways of farming and ending dependence on chemical fertilizers.
AYUDH Chennai chapter organized the cultivation of crops at the farm house of Amma.
AYUDH for promoting organic plantation. Ayudh supported the planting of several saplings.
Amma gave away "Nalpamaram" trees to the AYUDHians on the occasion of Kannur Brahmastahanam festival as part of her Bharat yatra.
Ayudhians took this opportunity to let the public know about amma’s green initiatives. Ayudhians took classes on how to do organic farming at home.
AYUDH Mumbai initiated the Amala Bharat (Cleanliness Drive) at Ransai village.
AYUDH (Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma) to observe World Car Free Day on September 22, 2017. Car Free Day is a worldwide event that encourages greener methods of travel to encourage people to use alternative modes of transport.
AYUDH (Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma) to observe World Car Free Day on September 23, 2017. Car Free Day is a worldwide event that encourages greener methods of travel to encourage people to use alternative modes of transport. The objective of the day is to promote the use of public transportation, car sharing and emission–free vehicles as an effort to address the crisis of environmental pollution.