AYUDH Bhubaneswar Unit Organizes AMR Awareness Week

AYUDH Bhubaneswar Unit Organizes AMR Awareness Week
AYUDH Bhubaneswar Unit Organizes AMR Awareness Week
150 New Youth Members Joined AYUDH
As part of UPAHAAR, a token of love for AMMA on Her birthday, AYUDH Bhubaneswar chapter conducted OrganicTerrace Gardening Workshop on September 27, 2019 at Sri Sai Saraswati School @ Bhubaneswar.
AYUDH Members met with the newly joined members @ Centurion University, Jatni, Odisha.
AYUDH BBSR chapter Coordinators, Shradha and Gururakshit interacted and motivated the new members to actively participate in the upcoming AYUDH events in Odisha.
Ayudh Bhubaneswar Chapter Volunteers Observes World Environment Day
A team of young vibrant leaders of AYUDH Bhubaneswar has visited Konark Sun temple on occasion of World Heritage Day.
Ayudh Odisha celebrated Safer Internet Day in February 2019.