AYUDH Delhi Celebrated Amritavarsham 68

AYUDH Delhi celebrated Amritavarsham 68, a humble offering to our most beloved Amma on her 68th Birthday.
AYUDH Delhi celebrated Amritavarsham 68, a humble offering to our most beloved Amma on her 68th Birthday.
Members of AYUDH Chennai sponsored and provided school kits to 10 orphaned kids.
AYUDH Trivandrum distributed free bags and other study materials to the economically backward students.
The woollen clothes collected by AYUDH Pune volunteers as a part of ASWAS (AYUDHians Spreading Warmth And Smiles) campaign have been dispatched. These clothes will be distributed to the needy families in Sujanpur village, Punjab. The team got one more opportunity to practice Amma’s selfless giving!! And they experienced that these little things occupy the biggest part of their Hearts!!
Every year millions of devotees flock to the famous shrine known as Sabarimala in Kerala. As per the instructions of Chancellor Amma, this is the seventh time that the volunteers of Embracing the World had gathered in this hill-station for a cleanliness drive.
On 25th September 2016, a team of AYUDH members of Pune chapter celebrated Amritavarsham 63 -Amma’s 63rd birthday in a unique way with the deprived children of a nearby slum.
“As the world desperately needs Men who care more about others than themselves; few of our students are certainly going to be a promising future”. On October 23, 2016, more than 160 students of Amritapuri campus joined the AYUDH team in spending half a day of a warm Sunday with the poor and orphaned kids of Paripally Orphanage, Kollam. After the inaugural address by Dr. S. N. Jyothi, the Principal of Amrita School of Engineering, the children greeted the visiting team through gracious folk dances and a variety of other mind catching performances.
SriKrishna Jayanthi celebrations took off with a jubilant start at MAM Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram with a festive Shobhayatra along with bhajans.
Amrita members and Amrita Medical Wing had visited the tribal village at Chempukadavu, Kozhikode, Kerala.