Online Training Program to conduct 999 challenge in their respective schools

Yoga teachers from PCMC Muncipal Corporation (Batch2) attended the Online Training Program to conduct 999 challenge in their respective schools from PCMC
Yoga teachers from PCMC Muncipal Corporation (Batch2) attended the Online Training Program to conduct 999 challenge in their respective schools from PCMC
On the first Day of AYUDH Self-Management Internship Programme (ASIP) at Kolkata, AYUDHians symbolically depicted this. Each participant lighted a Diya and prayed to Amma that the light of goodness, the light of Dharma, the light of knowledge that dispels the darkness of ignorance in their lives.
The vibrant 'Dakshin 2023 Leadership Training Camp' for youth, orchestrated under the dynamic guidance of Ayudh Kerala, recently concluded its two-day event at Amrita Vidyalaya in Pandalam. The camp, organized by Ayudh, the illustrious youth wing of Mata Amritanandamayi Math, proved to be an incredible platform for nurturing leadership skills among the young generation.
The 'Malabar 2023 Leadership Training Camp' for youth, organized by AYUDH Kerala
AYUDH Self-Management Internship Program (ASIP) held in Durgapur, West Bengal with a beautiful ceremony of lighting Diyas by all the participants, signifying the spreading of knowledge and goodness. As Amma says, "If each one of us lights a small lamp, the strength of the light will multiply, and everything can be illumined.