Ayudh Tamilnadu Organized an Online Event About Sri Rudram.

Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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In connection with the United Nations International Day of Human Fraternity (4 February 2022) , AYUDH Tamil Nadu organized a virtual event that was attended by volunteers across the state.

AYUDH Ahmedabad core team cycled against AMR to spread awareness about the threat of Antimicrobial Resistance.

AYUDH Hyderabad participated in 2 Wheeler Rally to create AMR Awareness on November 21,2021.

Ask Your Doctor' program was organised by AYUDH Ahmedabad.

AYUDH Delhi Launched Ask Your Doctor Medical Webinar Series .

85 AYUDHians from 8 chapters participated in ‘Flying to Freedom’ program on Independence Day, Aug

National Youth Day 2020 celebrated by AYUDH Pune Chapter.