The selection process for the first batch of AYUDH Self-Management Internship Program (ASIP Level 1) was done in 2 phases in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Separate sessions were conducted for the AYUDH members from the prestigious educational institutions & organizations and for the AYUDHians from Amrita Vidyalayam, Ahmedabad. The AYUDH Coordinators from the AYUDH National Coordination Team from Amritapuri had a wonderful interaction with the young minds. It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm of the participants to learn more about Sanatana Dharma.

Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Ahmedabad News

AYUDH Ahmedabad chapter celebrated National Youth Day in a creative way by organizing an interesting Youth TV program which beautifully embodied the following quote of Swami Vivekananda.
“My hope of the future lies in the youths of character, intelligent, renouncing all for the service of others, and obedient – good to themselves and the country at large”.

Ayudh Ahmedabad Organized Self Management Workshop.

Ayudh Ahmedabad had a splendid Get-Together which was a perfect blend of group activities, discussions, interactions, refreshment, games and seva.

Ayudh Ahmedabad Organized Bird Feeder Activity

AYUDHians Celebrated National Youth Day 2021.

AYUDHians Celebrated International Earth Day 2021.

AYUDHians at Jaipur, Kolkata, Baneshwar, Ahmedabad and Durgapur distributed hundreds of saplings to their friends, neighbours and colleagues during Amma's 68th birthday.

"Amma in my Life" - AYUDH virtual event in connection with 'Amritavarsham 67' began with AYUDHians sharing their transformative experiences with Amma.
As their Birthday gift to Amma, AYUDHians spent time making hand crafted thank you cards for front-line corona warriors in acknowledgement of their selfless care and service during this difficult time.
They also made cards for their neighbours with Amma's message to stay optimistic during this pandemic when depression and suicide rates have gone up.

“We are extremely proud of you, Lucky to have an AYUDHian like you in our team who practice Amma’s teachings of selflessness and sacrifice”,said AYUDHians on the ongoing hectic COVID works of Dr. Anushree, coordinator of AYUDH Ahmedabad chapter.