Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Office Of Youth Empowerment Conducted AYUDH Orientation At Ahmedabad
Office Of Youth Empowerment Conducted AYUDH Orientation At Ahmedabad

Team OYE from Office of Youth Empowerment conducted AYUDH orientation session for new members of Amrita Vidyalayam, Ahmedabad. The session aimed to familiarize the new members with the vision, principles, benefits and activities of AYUDH, emphasizing the importance of spiritual knowledge, seva, personal empowerment, and fostering a sense of global citizenship. Many new students enthusiastically registered with AYUDH.
The speakers provided a comprehensive overview of the organization's mission and ongoing initiatives, inspiring the attendees to actively engage in the community and social service endeavours. The new registrants were excited to interact with the team from the Office of youth Empowerment, Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus.
Furthermore, as part of the integration process, the newly joined members were invited to participate in a one-day youth camp. The youth camp aimed to foster companionship among the participants and encourage a deeper understanding of the values and objectives of AYUDH.
The AYUDH orientation session fostered a sense of unity and enthusiasm among the new members, highlighting their dedication to actively participate in AYUDH's mission of creating a positive impact on society.