AYUDH Mumbai celebrated Amma's Birthday by distributing 68 saplings to the public and distributing food packets to the poor families staying in slum areas at Navi Mumbai.

Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Blog Archive September 2021

AYUDHians at Jaipur, Kolkata, Baneshwar, Ahmedabad and Durgapur distributed hundreds of saplings to their friends, neighbours and colleagues during Amma's 68th birthday.

On the occasion of our beloved Amma's 68th birthday (Amritavarsham 68), AYUDH Hyderabad distributes 250 blankets across the city.

AYUDH Delhi distributed food kits as a part of their COVID relief activities.

AYUDH Delhi celebrated Amritavarsham 68, a humble offering to our most beloved Amma on her 68th Birthday.
Karunamritam: AYUDH Bengaluru Distributed Free Study Kits for Poor Children

АYUDH Аmritарuri organized an online event titled "Ramacharitham: Achieve Your Goals through Ramayana."

As a part of the Ramayana Masam (month) under the title "Rаmаyаnа Saparya," AYUDH Amritapuri, conducted Rаmаyаnа Vishwа Раryаdаnаm a colloquium on different versions of Rаmаyаnа across the wоrld.

As part of the Ramayana Masam (month) under the title "Rаmаyаnа Saparya," AYUDH Amritapuri conducted a weekly discussion on Valmiki Rаmаyаnа.