Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH Amritapuri - Organized Bharat Mata Puja 2016
AYUDH Amritapuri - Organized Bharat Mata Puja 2016

AYUDH Amritapuri - organized Bharat Mata Puja 2016, literally elated the massive gathering to zeniths of patriotic feelings. The family of the brave soldier Lance Naik Sudheesh. B, who lost his life at Siachen, were special attendees of the program. They were given Red carpet welcome; the whole crowd giving them standing ovation, while the venue echoed with applauds and slogans of Patriotism. Earlier, the staff and students of Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus has raised an amount as RASHTRA RAKSHA NIDHI which was dedicated to this family during the event. The entire multitude expressed their support to the dispirited family and on stage through a microphone, when a student shouted at the loudest voice “Oh Soldiers of our Nation, We feel proud of you. Thanks for guarding us days and nights and we promise, we will take care of your family”, every single soul gathered there would have got Goosebumps. The Associate Dean of the campus and the two Principals of both Schools of Arts & Sciences and Engineering gave a special address appreciating this noble initiative of students to honor the family of a man who sacrificed himself for our peace and security.