Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH Durgapur started DAY2 ASIP programme with IAM Meditation Training
AYUDH Durgapur started DAY2 ASIP programme with IAM Meditation Training

AYUDH Durgapur started DAY2 ASIP programme with IAM Meditation Training. Brahmacharini Niseema, held a session for all the youth participants to help them discover that relaxation of the mind that will completely change the way we perceive the world around us. IAM is designed to teach the art of mastering our own mind.
Amma says, “Today, youth are like buds that are being destroyed by worms before they blossom. Most youth become slaves to satisfy their endless desires. Thus their precious human life is wasted. You are all in the prime of life – you have energy, charisma and intellect.”
We are so proud to see such a large group of youth interested in Sanatana Dharma practices including Meditation and Yoga. May all the efforts put in by our Ayudhians succeed and may it transform our world into a better place.
“We are so grateful to Amma that Amma has gifted this great IAM Meditation to us and we promise that we practice it every day and become role models for other youth in the society”, said AYUDHians.
Integrated Amrita Meditation combines Yoga, Breathing exercises, Visualization and Pranayama, all of which are integral for physical and mental wellness in today's times. IAM is born out of Amma’s selfless and unconditional Love for the humanity.