Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH Orientation at Tamil Nadu
AYUDH Orientation at Tamil Nadu

AYUDH Tamil Nadu has grown many folds over the years and each year new young minds join the vivacious team. This year a team comprising Brahmacharini Vagishamrita Chaitanya, National Coordinator, AYUDH India and Ms. Neena S Purushothaman, Program Associate, Office of Youth Empowerment, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham , Amritapuri campus traveled 2,212 km along the length and breadth of Tamil Nadu to acquaint students of Amrita Vidyalayams in Tamil Nadu with AYUDH Tamil Nadu and its activities. Their first stop was at Amrita Vidyalayam,Tirunelveli. The name #tirunelveli comes from three Tamil words i.e. ‘Thiru – Nel – Veli’ meaning Sacred Paddy Hedge with an interesting Stalapurana. Many interesting activities kept the students enthusiastically engaged. The post event feedback has been superb. R.Pragathi of class 8 A said that the best things about the AYUDH Orientation was that she came to know more about Amma, could spend time with her teammates in the games,and that she learnt about the five pillars of AYUDH which are very important values to be followed in life. V.Karthik of class 7A said that he learnt more about Amma and her service activities and felt blessed to be part of AYUDH. This is the new beginning of a stronger network of AYUDHians. This wouldn't have been possible without Amma 's abundant grace and support of the management & staff of Amrita Vidyalayam, Tirunelveli. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Correspondent of Amrita Vidyalayams TN & Puducherry - Swamini Bhaktipriyamrita Prana, Manager - Brahmacharini Smaranamrita Chaitanya, Principal - Smt. Asa Krishnan G, Administrative Officer - Shri. Satheendhran, Staff Coordinators Smt. Mangala Prabha, and Shri. Essakimuthu.