Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Ayudh Pune Conducted Bird Feeder Activity
Ayudh Pune Conducted Bird Feeder Activity

Birds play crucial and countless roles in healthy ecosystems and in the environment by transforming landscapes, controlling the populations of pests and weeds, ensuring the continuation of the #biodiversity on our planet by carrying out #pollination, and working as #nature’s #cleanup crew. So, preserving #birddiversity improves quality of life and helps everyone in the world.
Amma says, “How beautiful our land would be if it were full of birds, butterflies and flower groves! If the land were to become rich that richness will reflect in our individual lives as well. We will be full of joy and beauty within and without.”
By holding these words of Amma close to their heart AYUDHians at Pune have made bird #grainfeeders as well as #waterfeeders and and hung on the #trees. This will quench the thirst of birds and provide food for them during #summer season aiming to preserve the bird population of #motherearth.
Instead of buying the feeders, AYUDHians have made both feeders by #reusing the #plastic bottles of soft drinks, and made the workshop #ecofriendlier !!
“It was a wonderful experience. Thank you for organizing the automatic self-filling bird feeder workshop for us. It was beautiful and exciting to learn it, make it and hang it on the trees along with my friends. I realized the need to save the birds in the summer season. It was also an opportunity to express our compassion to the fello-beings. I am going to make it at home and give demo to my neighbours and friends, Proud to be an Ayudhian”, remarked Mr Pranav Ghabade, JSPM'S Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune