Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDHians from Durgapur Distributed Food Kits to the Tribal People
AYUDHians from Durgapur Distributed Food Kits to the Tribal People

During the COVID-19 lockdown, daily wage workers living in the rural areas of India including tribal people were hit the hardest. Without regular wages and unable to leave their villages for work, the people started to face food shortages. AYUDHians from Durgapur immediately started preparing food kits to be distributed to tribal people surrounding rural areas. They felt grateful for the kindness and goodwill shown to them by Ayudhians and thanked them profusely. COVID-19 has made so many all over the world look for opportunities to help the less privileged in their society.
Through this service, the youth expressed how they experienced Amma's teachings on giving. "The more you give, the more your heart is filled. Love is a never ending stream".