
AYUDHians Met Amma and to Visit Amritapuri Ashram

AYUDHians Met Amma and to Visit Amritapuri Ashram

A visit to Amritapuri, Kerala was organized for the first team of ASIP Participants of AYUDH Pune, Maharashtra. After the Internship Program, the AYUDHians have been longing to meet Amma and to see Amritapuri Ashram, the headquarters of Mata Amritanandamayi Math. Amma says, 'The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.' On Day1, our enthusiastic AYUDHians immersed in Amrita University's diverse initiatives, witnessed how service and innovation can harmoniously coexist, providing a powerful reminder of the transformative potential within each act of selfless contribution. They delved into Amrita University's innovative projects – Live-in Labs, Robotics by Ammachi Labs, a fascinating Landslide Detection Demo by WNA Labs, and an illuminating Solar Projects Demo. The project teams gave AYUDHians a full presentation and demo on their ongoing activities and projects. They also gave them ideas on how they can use technology to help in Humanitarian activities. The exploration extended to a comprehensive campus tour, unveiling the university's commitment to cutting-edge initiatives. In the evening, the team immersed themselves in the serenity of Amma's Ashram, participating in meditation, soulful satsang, and uplifting bhajans. AYUDH Pune's experiences at Amritapuri and Amrita University, created a narrative that emphasizes the fusion of spirituality, service, research and humanitarian projects on the first day of their visit. Here's what our AYUDHians had to say: "We are really impressed to see how much Amma is doing for the villages and for the women in India. By seeing the humanitarian technology projects, we are motivated to use our technical skills and knowledge for helping the poor and needy. We have not seen or heard of people doing this much for society. Thank you Amma for being the inspiration behind all of these projects. The projects at Amrita University opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities of technology making a positive impact. Feeling inspired!!. Attending Amma's program was a transformative experience. The power of meditation and the sense of community are unforgettable " commented AYUDHians. Stay tuned for more updates from AYUDH Pune's journey at Amritapuri !!

Ayudh, ayudhindia, ayudhpune, Maharashtra, wakenyouthunitefordharma, OYE