Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Bhagavad Gita Shines as the Beacon Light of Knowledge
Bhagavad Gita Shines as the Beacon Light of Knowledge

Bhagavad Gita shines as the beacon light of knowledge, inspiring millions to tread the path of Dharma. Life Management lessons as depicted by Gita was one of the most inspiring event in the AYUDH Self-Management Internship Program. Amma says “In the Gita, Lord Krishna teaches that spirituality is something we have to live in our day-to-day life – it is for everyone, and is especially applicable to all who want to live life full of happiness and contentment”
The ASIP participants chanted Gita Slokas together, learned the detailed definition and meaning from the facilitators. They brainstormed and came up with the real life scenarios based on the given Gita Slokas for their upcoming presentation sessions.
It was an amazing experience when the participants enacted the Mahabharata Characters and spoke about their positive side and flaws. The judges and audience refuted or supported the points. It was a learning for their life - what we should learn from those characters and what should be ignored.
Quiz on Sanatana Dharma was a wonderful event to test participants’ knowledge. As the Internship has only selected members, the event saw a very tight competition among the teams. They said, they learned several new concepts of Sanatana Dharma in-depth through fun with a great team spirit.
Praying that the key principles the AYUDHians learnt will always stay in their heart and help them to move forward with confidence and courage by applying this knowledge in the challenging situations of their life.