Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Covid Seva by AYUDH Ahmedabad Chapter
Covid Seva by AYUDH Ahmedabad Chapter

“We are extremely proud of you, Lucky to have an AYUDHian like you in our team who practice Amma’s teachings of selflessness and sacrifice”,said AYUDHians on the ongoing hectic COVID works of Dr. Anushree, coordinator of AYUDH Ahmedabad chapter.
“I am very happy to serve people at this crisis. I am able to do the work day and night with real enthusiasm and Love because of Amma’s Grace ! Amma has been my inspiration to serve the society and Amma has taught me how to put the need of others before my own. I am extremely grateful to Amma for giving this opportunity” said Anushree about the inspiration that she received from her spiritual master Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.