Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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On Day2 at Amritapuri
On Day2 at Amritapuri

On Day2 at Amritapuri, AYUDH Ahmedabad Team was blessed to meet Swamiji, Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, President, AYUDH Global & Amrita University and Vice Chairman of M A Math, listen to Swamiji’s Words of Wisdom and receive Prasad from him. Swamiji appreciated AYUDHians, gave a beautiful Satsang and said, "However be the world, if you are full of Love, then you can uplift others".
“Swamiji’s words really inspired us to move on the path of Dharma always and to Love and Serve the world selflessly.” said AYUDHians.
The team got to spend their second day in Amritapuri, visiting Amma's Rudraksha and Tulsi gardens. Following the ancient culture of agriculture, the gardens the AYUDHians visited looked like mini forests full of organic vegetables, medicinal plants and fruits. They heard about the miraculous experiences from the care takers of the garden and also how Amma inspire them to Love and Serve Nature.
They also got a chance to visit Amritapuri's waste management center to learn more about how they recycles the waste in Ashram. The AYUDHians were highly inspired to see how Amritapuri Ashram has put into action Amma's teachings on our duty to lovingly serve Nature by properly sorting the waste and saving precious Natural Resources.
Before Amma's evening program, the AYUDH team did seva at the western cafe, helping to chop vegetables for dinner service that night.
Then they had a short beautiful Q & A session with Brahmacharini Amrita Chaitanya from UK where they got to ask her questions on how and why she left her country and joined Ashram to live in Amritapuri. Seeing so many foreigners in Amritapuri, whose sole purpose was to serve Amma, was an interesting and wonderful experience for the AYUDHians. They also got an exposure to Embracing the World activities.
The AYUDH team got to spend time at the beach, playing games and taking pictures, before joining Amma in the main hall for the Meditation and Bhajan sessions.
On the second day also, they got the wonderful opportunity to do Gujarati Garba dance in tune with Gujarati Bhajans sung by Amma.
"We are extremely blessed to have Amma’s hugs and kisses. When Amma embraces, it is a process of purification and inner healing. The energy that we gained through Darshan, also allows us to experience True Love. For most of us this was the first time meeting with Amma in person. We learned and enjoyed a lot in Amritapuri. We are sure, we will be visiting here again", remarked AYUDHians.
“I met Amma for the first time. Spending time with Amma was one of the best experiences I have ever had in my life. After Amma hugged me, I felt that a wave of positivity hit me. And doing Darba, infront of Amma was something i couldn't even imagine in my dreams. I feel so blessed”, said Shreya Patel.
“Overall experience of Amritapuri Visit was really exciting, knowledgeable, inspiring, heart filling, divine, graceful, cheerful and positive. We learned so much about how technology could be used for the betterment of humanity. We are really inspired to serve the society selflessly. My first Darshan with Amma was really heart filling and cannot be expressed in words”, said Mr Keyur Tanna.
"We learned a lot from Amritapuri. It was just so amazing. I loved it. I learnt not only education but values are important as well. With education you can get good money but with values and responsibilities you can be a better human. You can be the change. And world can be totally peaceful and lovely only if each and every person becomes a better human. We all can definitely practice this if we follow Amma’s teachings. Every tiredness disappeared when I met Amma for the first time and i feel so proud for doing Garba in from of Amma”, remarked Ms Tanisha Patel.