Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Diwali 2020 Celebrations by Ayudh Team
Diwali 2020 Celebrations by Ayudh Team

‘Spread a Smile’ – on Diwali day, AYUDHians shared their experiences of gift giving to those who struggle to make ends meet in their society / neighbourhood.
Some of them went to the Covid-free villages on behalf of AYUDH Team and gave the villagers gifts to make their Diwali memorable where as others gifted their maids/ watchman in their society.
Those who participated in the virtual session said that, as Amma’s children, Spreading Smile is not just for one day or during any special occasions, for AYUDHians, ‘Giving’ has to become part and parcel of our life.
Coordinators from Amritapuri spoke more about the significance of Diwali and shared Amma’s messages and interesting stories. Participants thanked and said, it was a wonderful experience and the virtual meet was very inspiring for them to move ahead in the path of Love and service.