Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Induction Program for AYUDH Tamil Nadu Members
Induction Program for AYUDH Tamil Nadu Members

The new members of the Amrita School of Agricultural Sciences, Coimbatore, participated in a thought-provoking virtual induction program organized by team AYUDH Tamil Nadu. The program included address by Dr. Sudheesh Manalil, Principal, Amrita School of Agriculture, an inspirational message by Mr. Deepak Parihar, Co-founder and CFO GoodDot, introduction to AYUDH and its activities and a meditation session led by Bri. Vagishamrita Chaitanya, AYUDH national coordinating team, a live quiz on the theme 'Agriculture' and a presentation of the campus AYUDH activities by Dr. Dhivyapriya, AYUDH Staff coordinator of the campus.
AYUDH TN team leads also shared experiences of how volunteering with AYUDH has helped them grow. The students also enthusiastically watched Amma's video. Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Iniya Kumar, Assistant Professor (Agricultural Microbiology). The students expressed great interest and signed up to volunteer and begin their journey as AYUDHians.