Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Winter Cloth Collection Drive Organized AYUDH Bhubaneswar
Winter Cloth Collection Drive Organized AYUDH Bhubaneswar

AYUDH Bhubaneswar organized the transformative Winter Cloth Collection Drive, ASWAS – AYUDHians Spreading Warmth And Smiles in Odisha.
"The beauty and charm of selfless love and service should not die away from the face of this earth. The world should know that a life of dedication is possible, that a life inspired by love and service to humanity is possible."- In resonance with these inspiring words by Amma, AYUDH Bhubaneshwar collected the winter wears distributed to the needy people at Patrapada Village, Bhubaneshwar.
The essence of selfless love and service fuelled the endeavour, as AYUDHians gathered winter clothes to bring warmth to the Patrapata and Tamanto villagers.
This act of compassion not only provided essential winter wear but also echoed the timeless beauty of selfless love. Join us in keeping the flame of dedication alive, creating a world where the charm of service to humanity thrives.
“It was a Very wonderful experience to help the people who were really in need of those clothes. At the end of the day the smile of those workers made us felt like our efforts were worthy. We are so thankful to Amma for these blessed opportunities”, said Tritally Priyadarshini from Xavier’s College of Nursing, Bhubaneswar.
“It was a great and beautiful experience with the elders. It was a memorable day for me. They were so happy to see us. Their precious smile made my day. And when they take the woollen clothes then the happiness of love of fully seen on their face. I am fortunate to be with AYUDH”, said Riti Pragya Maharathi from Jatni college, Bhubaneswar.
“ASWAS has provided us with the chance to connect with our community and make a real difference in people's lives. We have been able to distribute winter clothes to those in need and offer them support and assistance. The satisfaction and gratitude we have received from those we have helped has been incredibly rewarding for us. Not only have we been able to positively impact others, but we have also found joy and fulfilment in the process. The sense of purpose and accomplishment that comes from helping others is unmatched, and ASWAS has given us the opportunity to experience this firsthand. Overall, ASWAS has been a truly meaningful and impactful project for us as young people. We are grateful for the chance to be involved in such a meaningful initiative and to make a positive impact in our community”, remarked Pratish Pattanaik from 12th class Amrita Vidyalayam, Odisha