Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH Celebrated ARPAN
AYUDH Celebrated ARPAN

AYUDHians at Jaipur, Kolkata, Baneshwar, Ahmedabad and Durgapur distributed hundreds of saplings to their friends, neighbours and colleagues during Amma's 68th birthday. Some of them also planted the saplings at their home with neighbours and friends.
AYUDH Baneshwar conducted the activity as part of a formal function in connection with Amma’s Birthday celebrations organized in their institution. The goal of AYUDHians was to fulfill Amma's dream of cultivating deep bonds between nature and man for posterity. As youngsters develop love for nature, they will pass on these values to future generations.
"Our main motive was to take a step towards nature's betterment and give something back to it in the same way as Amma has always taught us. We tried our best to spread all the Ammas nature related messages and teachings to the people around. We also tried to inculcate caring nature in children who participated in the activity so that they learn the importance of caring even for little things in life. It was a true pleasure to be a part of such an activity and performing it on such an auspicious day. By Ammas blessings the event was successful even during this pandemic time." said Ms. Gurupriya from AYUDH team, Jaipur, Rajastan.
"Though there is cyclonic situation and heavy rain in Kolkata and South Bengal, by Amma's Grace we could do the activity that had been planned. We are thankful to Amma for giving this opportunity to serve the Nature", said Ms. Annesha Mukherji from AYUDH Kolkata.
"It was an awesome experience. We feel extremely happy, content and blessed. All those who received saplings expressed their gratitude and have promised us that they will nurture it with utmost care",said AYUDHians from all chapters with one voice.
We pray that these young minds will be a conduit of Amma's Love and the bridge between man and nature!