Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDH ASIP Participants
AYUDH ASIP Participants

A visit to Amritapuri, Kerala was organized for the first team of AYUDH ASIP Participants of Ahmedabad Chapter, Gujarat. After the month-long Internship Program, the AYUDHians have been longing to meet Amma and to see Amritapuri Ashram, the headquarters of Mata Amritanandamayi Math.
On the first day of their visit, they had a full tour of Amrita University's Amritapuri Campus. The team had wonderful opportunity to know about Live in Labs, Projects of Ammachi labs, WNA, HuT, International Programs and other Humanitarian and Research Projects of Amrita. The project teams gave AYUDHians a full presentation and demo on their ongoing activities and projects. They also gave them ideas on how they can use technology to help in Humanitarian activities.
"We are really impressed to see how much Amma is doing for the villages and for the women in India. By seeing the humanitarian technology projects, we are motivated to use our technical skills and knowledge for helping the poor and needy. We have not seen or heard of people doing this much for society. Thank you Amma for being the inspiration behind all of these projects!" commented AYUDHians.
The whole team was blessed to have Amma’s Darshan on the first day of their visit. They also got a precious opportunity to do Gujarati Garba Dance in tune with Gujarati Bhajan sung by Amma. They said it was an energizing experience and they are looking forward to enjoy the blissful moments on the second day in Amritapuri !