
Aditya Academy Secondary School, Kolkata, West Bengal - 999 Challenge

Aditya Academy Secondary School, Kolkata, West Bengal - 999 Challenge

Aditya Academy Secondary School, Kolkata, West Bengal, participated in the 999 challenge, a testament to the unwavering commitment to personal growth and holistic development. The students fearlessly embraced two impactful activities over 9 days - mastering 9 rounds of invigorating Surya Namaskar and dedicating 9 serene minutes to world peace meditation daily.

Through Surya Namaskar, they elevated their physical fitness, unlocking newfound strength and flexibility. Simultaneously, the daily meditation practice nurtured mental well-being, fostering stress management, enhanced focus, and a clearer mindset.

The 999 Challenge are truly awe-inspiring - improved fitness, heightened mental clarity, cultivated discipline, and a journey toward holistic well-being. The students have learned to embrace consistency and routine, vital skills for life's journey.

Ayudh, ayudhindia, awakenyouthunitefordharma, OYE, youthforchange, Civil20India, G20, AYUDHAhmedabad, src, Reforestation, GreenInitiative, TogetherForNature