Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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AYUDHians placed diya on the words "Lokah Samastha Sukinoh Bhavantu"
AYUDHians placed diya on the words "Lokah Samastha Sukinoh Bhavantu"

The AYUDH ASIP program at Kolkata culminated with a beautiful moment where each AYUDHian placed diya on the words "Lokah Samastha Sukinoh Bhavantu", to symbolize that they are inspired to spread the knowledge they imbibed during the program to others.
There was an inspirational talk by Dr G.V Subrahmanian, Director of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kolkata & Agartala on ‘Youth Wellness through Sanatana Dharma’ which shed light on the importance of mental health and well-being in today's fast-paced world and how Sanatana Sharma practices helps the youngsters to achieve it. The session was thought-provoking and left the audience with many insights to ponder upon. They also realized that the dimension of spirituality that exists beyond the physically known universe remains largely unknown.
The participants then enacted real life experiences of Amma’s devotees through skit performances. It was a beautiful depiction of the journey of individuals who have been inspired and transformed by Amma's Teachings, pure Love and Compassion. The participants sang Amma’s Bhajans together for World Peace.
Through the session on images, rituals and festivals in Sanatana Dharma, participants learned and explored the significance and science behind them. It was an eye-opening experience for many and helped them gain a deeper understanding and respect for the customs and traditions that are an integral part of our lives.
The discussion on the book "Man and Nature" by Amma was a profound session that delved into the relationship between human beings and the environment. The insights gained from this session left the audience feeling inspired and to make positive changes in their lives.
To promote environmental conservation, AYUDHians made seedballs and preserved them for rainy season to be thrown in the selected regions.
The prize distribution for all group activities and offline assessments were announced and the winners were overjoyed when they received the big applause for their efforts.
Amma says, “Today, youth are like buds that are being destroyed by worms before they blossom. Most youth become slaves to satisfy their endless desires. Thus their precious human life is wasted. You are all in the prime of life – you have energy, charisma and intellect.”
We are so proud to see such a good group of youth interested in Sanatana Dharma and not following the rest of the world blindly. May all the efforts put in by our AYUDHians succeed and may it transform our world into a better place.
Praying for the AYUDHians to continue working on themselves to become the perfect leaders of the society.