
Burnpur Riverside School, Chittaranjan, West Bengal - 999 Challenge

Burnpur Riverside School, Chittaranjan, West Bengal - 999 Challenge

Burnpur Riverside School, Chittaranjan, West Bengal enthusiastically participated in the C20 working group challenge - 999 Challenge, a part of the Integrated Holistic Health Working group.

The dedicated participants embraced a holistic journey, practicing 9 rounds of dynamic Surya Namaskar and indulging in 9 minutes of world peace meditation daily, for a minimum of 9 days. This accomplishment highlights our commitment to nurturing comprehensive growth and unity, fostering both physical and mental well-being among our students. Let's applaud the triumph of Burnpur Riverside School in conquering the C20 999 Challenge!

Ayudh, ayudhindia, awakenyouthunitefordharma, OYE, youthforchange, Civil20India, G20, AYUDHAhmedabad, src, Reforestation, GreenInitiative, TogetherForNature