Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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The G20 - C20 Integrated Holistic Health Working Group & Amrita organised 999 challenge at Madhya Pradesh
The G20 - C20 Integrated Holistic Health Working Group & Amrita organised 999 challenge at Madhya Pradesh

As part of G20 - C20 Integrated Holistic Health Working Group, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala organized 999 challenge in Madhya Pradesh state for the Government schools in 52 districts. The challenge continued in Madhya pradesh from Aug-Sep 23 and finished on 9th Sep(9/9). There was an enthusiastic participation with more than 30,000 students taking part from 560+ schools. A team from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham also visited some of the districts to kick start the campaign.
Many positive feedbacks were received from teachers and students.
A teacher from Dewas district said "After participating in the challenge, students are less restless. They are more focussed in their classes."
A teacher from Balaghat district commented "The whole school participated in the 999 Challenge. Even the Principal and teachers got interested and did it together with the students."
A teacher from Indore district said "They have seen an amazing transformation in some of the students. The students who acted very unruly earlier, are now following the discipline. We have shared the meditation audio even with parents and they are doing at home also. We are still continuing the challenge even after 11 days as students really like it."
A teacher from Shahdol district said "Especially after the meditation, the school environment gets very calm and pin drop silence. It is bringing positive changes in the lives of the students"
A teacher from Sehore district said "The campaign brought an awareness towards yoga and meditation in the students and teachers. "
A teacher from Jabalpur district said "Earlier the students used to get agitated even in small things. After the campaign we are seeing positive changes in them. "
Some teachers from Guna, Agar Malwa, Rajgarh and Morena districts said "Such programs should happen more regulary. It brought a new motivation in the lives of the students. They really enjoyed participating in the campaign and felt new positive energy in them."