
Shri Maheshwari Sr. Sec. School, Jaipur at Tilak Nagar - TST

Shri Maheshwari Sr. Sec. School, Jaipur at Tilak Nagar - TST

Shri Maheshwari Sr. Sec. School, Jaipur at Tilak Nagar enthusiastically embraced C20 TST Project, “Safe and Brave Online” led by Technology and Security and Transparancy working group. It represents a vision of a world where young individuals harness the power of the digital landscape confidently while exercising caution. This program’s integration into school systems demonstrates a commitment to cultivating digital literacy, paired with a heightened awareness of online safety.

Students actively participated in the session and showed their interest to learn the digital safety posed by cyber world. Upon its introduction the project has become an integral part of the educational landscape of the school and seamlessly woven the C20 program into their standard curricula.

Through a combination of special workshops by experts, interactive sessions that included important topics with the materials from the working group. The program included interactive sessions, quizzes, debate and Q&A. The focus has not just been on imparting knowledge but also on empowering students to become ambassadors of digital safety and confidence.

Wherever the future of the internet takes us, Safe Browsing will be there, continuing to evolve, expand, and protect people wherever they are. Taking a step towards safe browsing!

Ayudh, ayudhindia, awakenyouthunitefordharma, OYE, youthforchange, Civil20India, G20, src, Reforestation, GreenInitiative, TogetherForNature, seedsofhope