
Narula public school, Hooghly, West Bengal - 999 Challenge

Narula public school, Hooghly, West Bengal - 999 Challenge

Narula public school, Hooghly, West Bengal, unlocked a remarkable achievement as they successfully concluded the 999 Challenge orchestrated by AYUDH. Over the course of the 999 Challenge, the students diligently embraced the practice of Surya Namaskar, complemented by 9 minutes of dedicated meditation to promote global tranquillity.

This endeavour granted the students a special avenue to rejuvenate their mental and physical well-being. The C20 999 Challenge stands as a highly recommended practice for students, as it gives a profound impact on their comprehensive health, which consequently enhances key attributes including memory retention, concentration, productivity, and more. These attributes collectively contribute to their academic brilliance and overall success.

Ayudh, ayudhindia, awakenyouthunitefordharma, OYE, youthforchange, Civil20India, G20, AYUDHAhmedabad, src, Reforestation, GreenInitiative, TogetherForNature