Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Day2 of ASIP in Pune Commenced with a Meditation Session Designed to Promote Stress Management
Day2 of ASIP in Pune Commenced with a Meditation Session Designed to Promote Stress Management

Day2 of ASIP in Pune commenced with a Meditation session designed to promote stress management, good health, and overall well-being. The main highlight of the Day2 AYUDH Self-Management Internship Program was a very interesting and insightful session on significance and science behind Symbolism, Image Worship, and Festivals in Sanatana Dharma by Bri. Niseema from AYUDH National Coordination Team. Participants gained an understanding of the symbolism and cultural significance and essence of festivals. The session also provided insights into the meaningful rituals and practices that form an integral part of our culture. To make the day more fun and enjoyable, a game "Let's Win Together in Unity" was included in the program. This game was played with a goal to illustrate participants how human thoughts can unconsciously influence their actions hence highlighting the importance of embracing the lifestyle teachings of Sanatana Dharma During an interesting session on ‘Man & Nature’ by Amrita Sinha, Senior Program Coordinator of OYE, exemplified the teachings of Amma, who ardently stresses on the importance of recognizing our responsibilities and duties toward nature to build a balanced relationship between man and nature. In support to this session, a hands-on workshop was organized where participants learned to make an eco-friendly product that can be easily prepared at home and to be gifted to their Moms. This practical demonstration was skilfully led by Devika Mohan, Program Associate, and Amrita Ajith kumar, Management Trainee at the Office of Youth Empowerment, providing participants with valuable insights into sustainable living practices. Participants also had the opportunity to engage in a captivating skit, enacting the real-life incidents and transformation of devotees with Amma, fostering a deeper connection with Amma's teachings and the values She embodies. Participants also sang together for the world peace, a heart-warming reminder for all to find real joy in every situation by praying for others. An engineering student, Siddhi Phuge from RSCOE said, "Being engineering aspirants, we are going through a lot during our academic years and there are sometimes we feel sad, depressed and we want someone to listen and give solutions to us. After attending the ASIP 2 days program I felt like I have Amma, the ultimate spiritual master to guide me through the path and take me through the journey with real life teachings. I would recommend all youth, especially professionals to join and connect to AYUDH." With connection to our roots - Indian culture, ASIP is a vital initiative by AYUDH to introduce the youth to the essence of Sanatana Dharma providing them with profound insights into their culture and tradition, enabling a deeper connection with their heritage. The program ended when AYUDHians kept Diyas on the letters “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu’ promising that they will share the knowledge that they imbibed with others for the betterment of the world.