Infocus India Public School, nestled in the picturesque region of Parganas, West Bengal, has accomplished the remarkable feat of completing the 999 Challenge, orchestrated by AYUDH. Throughout the duration of the 999 Challenge, the students of Infocus India Public School wholeheartedly embraced the practice of Surya Namaskar, accompanied by 9 minutes of devoted meditation aimed at nurturing global peace.
Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Blog Archives 2023
Delhi Public Secondary School, Barasat, West Bengal, proudly commemorates the successful culmination of the 999 Challenge, orchestrated by AYUDH. Students actively engaged in Surya Namaskar and devoted 9 minutes to World Peace meditation, nurturing their mental and physical well-being.
Delhi Public School, Dooars, located in West Bengal, has effectively completed the 999 Challenge organized by AYUDH. Throughout the duration of the 999 Challenge, students enthusiastically embraced the practice of Surya Namaskar, accompanied by 9 minutes of meditation devoted to promoting global peace.
Delhi Public School, Burdwan, West Bengal participated in the C20 working group’s 999 Challenge that showcases its dedication to holistic development through the Integrated Holistic Health Working group of Civil 20.
DAV Public School, Raniganj, nestled in the heart of Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, has achieved a significant milestone by successfully completing the 999 Challenge, organized by AYUDH. Throughout the course of this initiative, the students fervently embraced the practice of Surya Namaskar, alongside a focused 9-minute meditation session dedicated to fostering global serenity.
Burnpur Riverside School, Chittaranjan, West Bengal enthusiastically participated in the C20 working group challenge - 999 Challenge, a part of the Integrated Holistic Health Working group.
Birla Divya Jyoti School, Siliguri, West Bengal, wholeheartedly embraced the C20 999 Challenge, an initiative of the Integrated Holistic Health Working group of Civil 20. The challenge aimed to promote holistic well-being and global unity through the practice of Surya Namaskar and meditation.
Bhavan's Gangabux Kanoria Vidyamandir, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal, participated in the 999 Challenge, an initiative of the C20 working group, that stands as a strong monument to their unshakable dedication to personal growth and holistic development. The event was organized by AYUDH, the international Youth Movement of Mata Amaritanandamayi Math.
Asian International School, Howrah, West Bengal, wholeheartedly embraced the C20 999 Challenge, an initiative of the Integrated Holistic Health Working group of Civil 20. The challenge organized by AYUDH the International Youth Wing of Mata Amritanandamayi Math
Aditya Academy Secondary School, Kolkata, West Bengal, participated in the 999 challenge, a testament to the unwavering commitment to personal growth and holistic development. The students fearlessly embraced two impactful activities over 9 days - mastering 9 rounds of invigorating Surya Namaskar and dedicating 9 serene minutes to world peace meditation daily.