AYUDH AV Mumbai celebrated ‘Amritavarsham 69’ this year in a different manner. The AYUDH representatives from the team visited a slum in Juinagar to distribute gifts to the slum children. Before visiting the slum, the AYUDH Team in Amrita Vidyalayam Mumbai spent days together collecting clothes, stationary, books, other school essentials and gifts for the children. All AYUDH members enthusiastically contributed for the great cause.
Ayudh - Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
Awaken Youth; Unite for Dharma
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Mumbai Chapter
Ayudh Mumbai Conducted Self Management Workshop.
The AYUDH Mumbai Team Conducted Interactive Session for New Members.
Ayudh Mumbai Team Conducted Self Management Workshop.
Ayudh Mumbai team distributed saplings to many people at the Brahmasthanam temple, M A Math, Mumbai during the Annual day commemorating the installation of the Akhanda Jyoti.
AYUDH Mumbai cycled against AMR in observance of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week as declared by the WHO (World Health Organization), to Go Blue for AMR to spread awareness about the threat of Antimicrobial Resistance.
AYUDHians Celebrated National Youth Day 2021.
AYUDHians Celebrated International Earth Day 2021.